The pattern is on ravelry here. Unfortunately it is in Japanese and I don't know about you but my Japanese isn't up to much!! Luckily there is also a charted pattern here and some speedy googling led me to a conversion chart so I could work out what the symbols meant. Once that was done the pattern came together very quickly - the only frustrating bit was adding the safety eyes (does everyone else find them an absolute pain to put on?! they drive me mad!). The pattern didn't call for a face but I do love a spot of anthropomorphism. And who couldn't love an egg with a smiley face :o)
Having sent the photo to a few people telling them they were a good egg (aaaah I love a lame pun!) I decided to make another one, this time with a sad face:
Apparently the egg is actually supposed to be a tawashi which is a traditional Japanese scrubbing brush. I won't be using mine as a scrubbing brush though (I'm not sure I could with the safety eyes in there!). I will be giving one away and keeping one to add to my collection of cute but ultimately pointless things (item #713).
(Sorry - I couldn't resist a pic of the eggs together in a frying pan!)
I'll post some of the other things I have been working on soon. In the meantime if anyone wants to find me on ravelry I am here with the username thedottyone. Although I have been on ravelry for a while I have only just started using it properly and I will be putting up my pictures and completed projects soon. Please free to add me as a friend if you are on there too - I'd love to see what you are up to and don't have many friends at the moment!! :o(
Happy crafting xx
Added you on Ravelery so you have two friends now :-) I've been on there for ages but only really use it for the patterns. I do have a couple of finished projects on there but try not to get sucked in too much, the forums are a very easy way to waste five hours and not realise it, I speak from experience, lol!
Love the eggs!! I have a huge collection of utterly pointless but cute things, you should see the ami collection it's taking over the house :-)
Lori xx
Super cute! I love them! And as you've seen from my blog, I have a HUGE collection of cute items!! I'll add you on Rav in a mo. And I know the feeling- suddenly having the urge to crochet a fruit with a smiley face or a tiny pig in the middle of the night, lol! Enjoy Rav, but beware, it's addictive!!
they're egg-cellent!!! I so wish i could crochet, i am very jealous of your talent. x
I blinkin' love them!!
Ha ha! Made me laugh- and such cute little faces, too.
And yes, am with you on the safety-eyes-thing!
oooo too cute! The have real character.
I can't get hold of eyes that small anywhere I can only get the bigger ones :(
These are brilliant, love them!! And why does something need to have a use? I mean, who doesn't need a pair of emotional fried eggs?
They are the cutest!
There's a strange delight in wacky knitting (maybe I'm just a strange bloke). Anyway these are cracking >.<
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